Monday, August 17, 2009

What's in a Name...

Some people have asked about the name of this blog, so I thought I might indulge them.

First, let's have a quick look at the definition of exoteric:

Main Entry ex·o·ter·ic
Pronunciation: \ˌek-sə-ˈter-ik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin & Greek; Latin exotericus, from Greek exōterikos, literally, external, from exōterō more outside, comparative of exō outside
Date: 1660
1 a : suitable to be imparted to the public — compare esoteric b :
2 : relating to the outside : external
ex·o·ter·i·cal·ly \-i-k(ə-)lē\ adverb belonging to the outer or less initiate circle


Ultimately the ideas and themes will be about all kinds of things that most people could likely figure out themselves, but I will hopefully add some value and clarity from my point of view.

The URL of the blog also has some meaning: randomfishies.

Anyone who's taken a statistics course will cringe at a poisson distribution that defines the extent of a series' randomness. Poisson is also french for fish. Random fish ;) There is of course a less politically correct interpretation dealing with the source of propagation of mammals, which is itself a random and chaotic event. All of this reminds me of the chaotic non-linear multi-order systems of nature that will be the major themes of my discussions and thoughts.

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