Thursday, May 27, 2010

JSC Compiler - This could be cool

This just in from mwnw - very cool and promising new compiler that lets you compile to java, php, actionscript, javascript - based on a similar concept as GWT.

Have a peek at the source fourge project:

Warning: I haven't had a chance to download and see how well this works or see what limitations.  But I'm kinda stsoked - thinking MS will buy this and make it a feature of VS?

Make Web Not War - Very cool little conference in Montreal

Right now i'm just finishing up the morning at Make Web Not War.  It's a cool little Microsoft sponsored conference talking about interroperability between Open Source (PHP being the big one here) and MS (Azure etc...).

Very cool, very neat debate.  One of the things I just learned about was that Azure (Microsoft's answer to EC3 and etc...) .  Details:  What's neat here is PHP, Ruby and Java have SDKs!!

This I think represents a real change of direction within MS to push to support more then frameworks they build.

Cool... just cool.